Kick off 2010 right in only 3 weeks!


Over the holidays we usually put on a few pounds. All those family gatherings, office parties and goodies add up.

Start the year off right by losing the holiday weight, jump start your metabolism and reset your digestive system in only 3 weeks. By revving up your metabolism and getting your digestive system back in order, you'll quickly lose inches around your waist as the numbers on the scale begin to fall.

You will eat regular food with no magic potions to buy. There is no calorie counting and no going hungry. You can eat as much as you want as long as it's from the list of safe foods you'll be given. You will be taught how simple changes in the way you eat can make a huge difference in how you feel and look.

You'll receive over the course of the 3 weeks:

  • Detailed guidelines to follow for the next 3 weeks
  • Meal plan and recipes
  • My personal contact information in case you have any questions

Clean your digestive system of toxins, accelerate weight loss, conquer your cravings and begin 2010 with your first step on the path to healthy living.

Cost of the program is $75/person for the entire 3 weeks ($25/week)

This plan is the first phase of a total digestion health program. The option to continue onto phases 2 and/or 3 are available after completion of the 3 week program.

Although results may vary by person and are not guaranteed, the average weight loss expected per person is 10-15 lbs if the guidelines recommended for this program are strictly followed.